This 1973 series of nine photographs by Duane Michals (1932, -) is a short narrative piece with a twist at each step, a discovery of an unexpected level of reality at each new shot. Somehow obscure in its meaning, the work questions the perception of photographed reality and simply tricks the viewer’s mind making him wander through different layers of representation. Scale and frames are the key factors which come into play in the construction of this beautifully orchestrated yet utterly simple sequence.
Exhibition: ‘Storyteller: the photographs of Duane Michals’ at Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (on ArtBlant)
[…] This 1973 series of nine photographs by Duane Michals (1932, -) is a short narrative piece with a twist at each step, a discovery of an unexpected level of reality at each new shot. Somehow obscure in its meaning, the work questions the perception of photographed reality and simply tricks the viewer’s mind making him wander through different layers of representation. Scale and frames are the key factors which come into play in the construction of this beautifully orchestrated yet utterly simple sequence. (text © socks-studio) […]