This animated adaptation of 1962 Sci-Fi milestone “La Jetée” was featured in the always inspiring blog “This is all about audio dynamite“, written by friend Dali.
Church & Steak, the author.
Check the video below and keep an eye on Dali’s blog.
An online magazine of Art, Architecture, Media, Culture, Sounds, Territories, Technology)
This animated adaptation of 1962 Sci-Fi milestone “La Jetée” was featured in the always inspiring blog “This is all about audio dynamite“, written by friend Dali.
Church & Steak, the author.
Check the video below and keep an eye on Dali’s blog.
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SOCKS is a project by Fosco Lucarelli and Mariabruna Fabrizi of MICROCITIES, Architecture Cityscape, Landscape.
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