This is how New York could have turn to, had America been conquered by Nazis in the 40's. A project by Melissa Gould (MeGo). "NEU-YORK … [Read more...]
Stan Allen: Diagrams of Field Conditions, 1996
“All grids are fields, but not all fields are grids. One of the potentials of the field is to redefine the relation between figure and ground. If we … [Read more...]
Irene (August 26th, 2011)
Tom Waits: Goodnight Irene Click for original 3072x3072px size on Nasa Goddard flickr. … [Read more...]
Unreal Estates of China, by Map Office
MAP OFFICE (Gutierrez, Portefaix) recently published a book titled Unreal Estates of China, with 56 axonometric drawings of China's land- and city … [Read more...]