Will Wright's SimCity was originally a map developing feature within the game Raid on Bungeling Bay. Born of Wright's love for the intricacies of … [Read more...]
City: Bolshevik Superpoem in 5 Cantos, by Manuel Maples Arce
Here is my poem brutal and manifold of the new city, Oh city all tense with cables and exertions resonant with motors and wings. Urbe … [Read more...]
The Pleasures of Suburban Life: Las Terrenas Resort (Elia Zenghelis – Eleni Gigantes, 1989)
The 1989 competition entry for a resort in Santo Domingo, was for Elia Zenghelis (teacher, co-founder and former partner of OMA) and Eleni Gigantes … [Read more...]
Civilization and its Discontents According to Ben Tolman
The hyper-detailed ink-on-paper drawings by Ben Tolman depict the built environment and the effects it has on the people who inhabit it. Cities … [Read more...]