Back to Socks from Rome and the lecture! We remember, from our time as students at the architecture school, a typical lecture in "Descriptive … [Read more...]
Mapping the flowing of wind
Wind Map live-traces the flowing of wind across the territory of the United States. This delicately moving "fur" delineates the uncharted land of a … [Read more...]
ScanLAB Projects’ Bartlett Summer Show 2010 (pioneering 3d scanning)
Led by Matthew Shaw and William Trosell, the London-based ScanLAB Projects specializes in large size 3d scanning for objects, buildings and … [Read more...]
Hell is Real! (The miracle of Fluo-colours, by Dimitris Polychroniadis)
While on la Periferia Domestica (a constant and very recommended reading) we stumbled upon a post about a miniature satire by Dimitris … [Read more...]