Thanks to the friends at DPR Barcelona for thrice-linking Socks on their Facebook page, during our hiatus while visiting Venice's Art Biennale. We'll … [Read more...]
Unreal Estates of China, by Map Office
MAP OFFICE (Gutierrez, Portefaix) recently published a book titled Unreal Estates of China, with 56 axonometric drawings of China's land- and city … [Read more...]
“Building the common space”. Atelier D6 at ESA Paris
As some of you may already know, Luca Galofaro of Ian+ asked us to be assistant teachers for a fourth year atelier at ESA, (Ecole spéciale … [Read more...]
Ich bin ein Berliner
BEER WAS BETTER THERE ICH BIN EIN BERLINER Read more on We Make Money not Art: Book review: Atlas of the Conflict. … [Read more...]