Fabio Alessandro Fusco, Italian architect and teacher, made a set of drawings entitled “Relational Cities”.
The Relational Cities are conceptual places where to experience the re-writings of the relations among the degraded materials of postmodernity
The relational cities are reifications of possible cities.
The relational cities experience “the dialectical leap from [generic] quantity to quality.
The Relational City – 2007
The Finisterrae City (in progress)
The City on the Limit
The Percolating City (in progress)
The De-composed City
The Fractal City
The Peninsular City
The City Grows – 2008
The Sprawl City – 2007
The City of Cities
The City of Modernist Fragments
The Thin City
The Liminal City
The City Area – 2004
The Porous City – 2004
The City on the River – 2004
The City of Fragments #01 – 2004
The City Centered – 2004
The Linear City-Centered – 2004
The City Called “This is not Hilberseimer”
The City on the River #02 – 2004
The City Field – 2004
The City of Fragments #02- 2004
The Linear City – 2004
Hello, I would like to talk to you about relational cities. I am a human geographer and spatial theorist. Do you have an email address?
Hello Martin,
you can contact us at info(at)microcities.net and the author of these drawings (Fabio Alessandro Fusco) at his mail, which is email_fabiofusco(at)alice.it.
Looking forward to your mail!
Is there a high definnition map”The Peninsular City”?