These ex-votos (“Per Grazia Ricevuta” or PGR, in Italian) are popular expressions of religious gratitude and public testimony of faith, from the northern Italian region of Liguria. The scenes depict people surviving a fall from buildings, scaffoldings or trees and they always show the presence of the Virgin Mary.
Images and legends via the very recommended visual blog Chaudron.

A bricklayer falls from the roof. September 3, 1898. Genoa-Sestri, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora Virgo Potens. Oil on canvas, cm 55×33.

A worker falls from scaffolding while working on the construction of an electrical substation. May 3, 1913 (particular).

A worker falls from scaffolding while working on the construction of an electrical substation. May 3, 1913. Genoa-Voltri, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora delle Grazie. Oil on canvas, cm 60×40.

Man falls from balcony. October 15, 1874. Ceranesi, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Guardia. Oil on canvas.

Man falls from balcony (another version). Genoa, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Monte. Oil on canvas, cm 50×40.

Man falls from balcony. March 24, 1929 (particular). Genoa-Sestri, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Misericordia sul monte Gazzo.

Man falls from balcony. March 24, 1929. Genoa-Sestri, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Misericordia sul monte Gazzo. Oil on glass, cm 43×34.

Child falls from a window. Nineteenth century. Megli, Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Oil on canvas, cm 30×35.

Worker falls from a window. September 27, 1928. Genoa, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Monte. Tempera on cardboard, cm 50×36.

A little girl falls from seventh floor, landing in a basket of vegetables. July 14, 1879. Genoa, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Monte. Oil on canvas, cm 39×34.

Man falls from tree. Eighteenth century. Megli, Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Oil on board, cm 25×22.

Man falls from a ladder. January 23, 1875. Genoa-Sestri, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Misericordia sul monte Gazzo. Oil on board, cm 38×49 (particular).

Two children falling from a tree. February 13, 1892. Genoa-Sestri, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora Virgo Potens. Oil on paper on canvas, cm 34×42.

Two children falling from a tree. February 13, 1892. Genoa-Sestri, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora Virgo Potens. Oil on paper on canvas, cm 34×42.

A man falls into a mill. September 28, 1888. Millesimo, Sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Deserto. Oil on canvas, cm 41×29.
Molto molto interessante,grazie .