George Perec, La Vie, Mode d'Emploi. Read more on Ivar Hagendoorn's article "Georges Perec: Life a User's … [Read more...]
Cartographies of Reality and Fiction
Maps connect information to space, depicting real and imagined territories on a flat surface. Over time, maps became increasingly more detailed and precise: the scale was adjusted, symbols became conventions, standards were set. However, this evolution didn’t stop the map to become a complex representational tool or an artistic medium.
For some artists, the cartographic representation became a means to spatialize a mental realm, a metaphorical instrument to simulate an unexisting territory.
Picture Cook by Katie Shelly
"The following recipes are not intended as precise culinary blueprints. Instead they are meant to inspire experimentation, improvisation and play in … [Read more...]
The entire Pokemon blue map
The Entire Pokemon Blue map. Click to zoom. Via: Fuck Yeah Cartography … [Read more...]
Dymaxion map, by Michael Paukner
We'll come back to the great illustrations of Michael Paukner, but for the moment, here's his free printable cut-out sheet version of Bucky Fuller's … [Read more...]