After last week's post on Man Ray's photographs of equation models from the Institut Poincaré in Paris, here are four illustrations (plus the cover) … [Read more...]
Understanding Reality through Wooden Blocks: Froebel Play Gifts
Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) was a German educator, considered as the inventor of the Kindergarten in 1837, at first named “Play and Activity … [Read more...]
“The process I use has nothing at all of that of an ‘artist’ nor does it have anything in common with an ‘artistic gesture’”. Dom Hans van der Laan’s Plastic Number
Dutch Benedictine architect and monk Dom Hans van der Laan (1904–1991) developed his body of work on the base of a system of proportions he had … [Read more...]
The Lenin Institute for Librarianship by Ivan Leonidov (1927)
Ivan Illich Leonidov (1902-1957) designed the Lenin Institute for Librarianship (the collective scientific and cultural center of the USSR) in 1927 as … [Read more...]