"Children of nine or ten years (...) learn that the quickest way to accumulate wealth and gain power is to get all the land they can in the … [Read more...]
A Revolution in Stage Design: Drawings and Productions of Adolphe Appia
Adolphe Appia, (1862-1928) was a Swiss architect, stage designer and theorist of stage lighting and décor. His theories and realized works … [Read more...]
The Mnemosyne Atlas, Aby Warburg – The Absorption of the Expressive Values of the Past
Some days ago, Flavien Menu from N-D-L-R published a long post including many images and the introductory text of the "Mnemosyne Atlas" by art … [Read more...]
Description of Egypt
Flavius Menu of N-D-L-R just wrote a very interesting post about the "Description de l'Egypte", a series of 23 volumes published after the failed … [Read more...]