A hugely influential Dutch architect and theorist, Aldo Van Eyck conducted a thirty-years-long (1947 - 1978) research through practice designing … [Read more...]
House “for a society that had nothing”, the Soho House by Alison and Peter Smithson, 1953
In 1953, Alison and Peter Smithson designed a house for themselves for an infill site in Colville place in Soho neighborhood, in London, on an area … [Read more...]
On Continuous Space: Louis Kahn’s Olivetti-Underwood Factory
In 1966 Italian typewriters and related products company Olivetti asked architect Louis Kahn to design their factory in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The … [Read more...]
The Akatsuka House by Takamitsu Azuma, 1969
The Akatsuka House by Takamitsu Azuma was built in Osaka in 1969, a few years after the completion of the Tower House in Tokyo. The principles behind … [Read more...]