Our dear friend Roberto La Forgia drew the illustrations for the new Sergio Romano book “Le altre facce della storia” (a pun that could roughly translate into “The other faces of history”; “faces” meaning both “human faces” and “sides”).
Each portrait accompany a story of the book, depicting one hundred characters or personalities behind great events in history.
And what a beautiful job Roberto has done!
I can’t believe this guy said me he wanted to quit illustration, some time ago.
Keep up, please: talent shouldn’t be wasted.
Here Roberto’s portfolio, the tumblr with some illustrations of the book and the presentation of the book itself, on the Rizzoli page.
We already blogged Roberto’s work here and there:
Io sono un dinosauro
Appunti da una terra vicina
Zuppe virali
Come direbbe Roberto: “Che stronzo!”
As Roberto would say: “What an asshole!”
esatto :)